Using the energy of animal archetypes to understand and heal
For those unfamiliar with Tarot, they are an intuitive tool for connecting with inner truth and spiritual guidance. They are NOT a form of divination, they are a path to wisdom in dealing with an issue. How we approach the future based on the spiritual illumination of past and present is entirely up to us. We are never released from our personal responsibility for our choices and actions through the use of any readings. Nothing is written except upon our hearts and in our minds by our own intentions and desires. It is these tarot asks us to be aware of and responsible for.
Card readings are offered in many layouts, or configurations, The Celtic Cross used here is a common layout for seeking wisdom in a situation. It is an extensive review of factors surrounding any issue presented. I have employed it within the context of global and national healing for insight, revelation and wisdom as we understand our past, live in our present and move toward our future.
In approaching and using Tarot, we ask the hard questions and listen to the guidance offered. A reading is an unembellished look into our spiritual state and that of any situation we bring to it. It reveals the work that is needed to understand ourselves and our lives and move forward. Tarot provides its wisdom dispassionately, allowing us to see clearly and intend and act accordingly. We move through past, present, and future in this reading, with tarot’s wisdom. I include the significance of the position of each card as I go. I was instructed to share this reading with you. May you receive whatever blessing spirit has for you in it. May you find the spiritual fortitude and resources for being the lights needed as the world moves in the present and into the future.
This reading contains mostly swords and cups, which I found interesting as they encompass conflict and struggle, emotion and response, morals, and virtue. There is also a strong sense of the elements and the Yin/Yang, Feminine/Masculine energies in each.

Card #1: The Present: Stork, 6 of Swords. Message: Better Times Ahead, New Home and Hearth (This is us, the people of earth, the inhabitants of a wounded nation, here and now)
Element: Air, East, breath of life, tempest of creation, masculine energy
Stork is a migratory bird. It travels long distances over stormy waters undeterred. It presents a strong image for the uplifting sense of being able to move forward and navigate the storms presently challenging our communal progress by keeping to the migratory path – which is defined by magnetism and connection with earth – and through focus and adhering to that which is intuitively impressed in our beings – the true destination of us all. A small bird compared to the ocean it crosses, yet so it does, unerringly, above the tempests below. Let us connect with the enduring spirit of stork in making our present journey to new shores of national and global wholeness and awareness.

Card # 2 Helps and Hindrances to the Present Effort: Bear, Queen of Pentacles. Message: Earth. Mother. Protection. Noble Soul
Element Earth, grounding, foundation, sustenance. Feminine energy. Direction: North, guiding light, place of power. Logic and reason. Purification and Healing.
Bear offers balance and co-creation, healthy boundaries, and the energies of earth to support us in going forward. We are not alone as we make this epic journey. Though wounded through our neglect, mother earth is a powerful ally, supporting our best efforts and working with us to heal and restore our planet. I found great encouragement here – that with just a little effort on our small part, earth responds with all her healing power to create the best outcome. We have a powerful ally in her loving, healing intention to restore wholeness and balance to this beautiful planet. We can call on her for the healing of wounds and for strength and protection in doing this work. Bear reminds us also to enjoy the abundance and the gifts of earth. Work hard and remember to play. Earth is our abundant playground, and we are watched over and protected even in our play; it is safe to enjoy, laugh and play.

Card #3: The Past: Lion, Number 8 of the Major Arcana, Strength. Message: Mind over matter, Love Wins, Mastery.
Element: Fire, the spark of life, the forging of enlightenment, passion, will, inspiration. Direction, South: Looking to shed our innocence by way of life experiences.
This card is filled with golden green light. Lion presents walking powerfully, holding the mastery of being fully within nature, fully within the natural order, knowing its place in the natural order with purpose and dignity. Love truly wins. As regarding the Past, Lion invites us to take a big, long view and understand accurately how every experience of human existence within the natural order has led us to this exact place and time. It is essential that we understand our past as a race of beings within the natural order of the planetary balance of life. That we understand all our drama and have an accurate frame of reference for viewing the present. Without an understanding of the past, the whole past, we do not have the context in which to form the present with wisdom and courage.
Knowing our past with compassion
Forgiving ourselves and humanity and standing in our power and place, lion indicates:
A major issue is resolving, and its burden is falling off our shoulders.
There is work ahead to be done. Navigate carefully. Consider options for proceeding boldly, warily – do not let power run away with you, use it wisely/ Use strength wisely, creatively. Allow the passion, but wisely.

Card #4: Recent Events: Fly. Message: Winning at all Costs. Pride before the Fall.
Element: Air, ongoing movement and change. Symbol: Chaos- moving in all directions, the coexistence of all possibilities.
What a card to pull to describe the chaos of the last couple of months! Fly indicates toxic conditions, breeding negativity, aggressively seeking attention, gloating over a desired outcome without considering the carnage – seriously, that is the reading. Includes open hostilities, deceitfulness, and tricks. The message from fly – take care in how we handle ourselves in conditions of strife and conflict. Do not lose our true north or sacrifice our integrity on the alter of ego and self-interest. Fly indicates karmic law and repercussions (See Lion above) We need to stand in faith and strength to let the storm wear itself out.
If you think of the main characters in recent events leading up to January 2021 as flies upon the stage, our immediate past comes into much better perspective. Such entities need to be handled with care but are only an annoying interruption, easily handled if we keep our calm. What did happen was a conflagration of fly natures, some within our own inner being, became excited and agitated and joined in the fray. Flies have their place. They are drawn to stink and decay and feed on anything rotten, dead and decaying. We need to remember what attracts flies and take care of our garbage, both inside and out.
I had a beautiful interaction with flies early in my Reiki days, a little lesson that taught me a lot. Two flies were annoying me as I ate. I took a breath and spoke to the spirits of the flies respectfully. I asked them not to bother me while I ate and assured them I would leave the plate out for them to feast on when I was finished. One fly left, the other perched quietly on the side of the table and waited until I finished and then ate. Do not be distracted by the flies. Keep on about your business.

Card #5: Possible Future: Beaver. 7 of Cups. Message: Dreams, Deception, Determination
Element: Water, Direction West: Enlightenment and connection with the spirit world lie in the direction of west – Water regenerates and invigorates. If you are feeling dried up and exhausted, go here.
Beaver works assiduously to clear away confusion and self-deception. This is a card of self-honesty and self-assessment along with industry and dedication in creating order out of chaos – a great card to follow the chaos of fly. Beaver builds, restores, is an active participant in creating a healthy eco system; an indicator of making the best decisions to make use of resources and a call to move away from dwelling on the need to make a public impression and concentrate on the work of the self behind closed doors. Beaver is a call to authenticity, self-work and shadow work in addition to the outward aspects of creating a better environment. Beaver is so industrious it has no time for self-aggrandizement.
Beaver is also a call for wise direction and action. Testing and research, verify information. Tidy up and clear clutter, inside and out. Choose wisely, be productive and use intuition as a guide as well as other research and indicators. Above all, be realistic and practical. Beaver does not build mansions. Beaver builds solid huts to protect and satisfactorily house its family. Great focus for our future efforts toward self, society and the planet. Great energy to work with in rebuilding.

Card #6: Immediate Future: Jaguar, Queen of Swords – Quick Wit, Facing Demons. Profound Transformation.
Element: Chaos again – all possible directions and expansion. Divine Feminine
Jaguar is directly opposite the immediate past (Fly) in the reading. A powerful balance and strong word about the adept and quick response to promote healing, the power to face demons and the deep changes needed to move into the future together. I am so glad her energy appeared opposite that of the destructive chaos of fly. Here we see the explosion of all possibilities of creative, constructive power with a strong call to use it wisely.
Jaguar again represents clearing away confusion – this time with the sword – a cutting away, clearing foggy air and negative factors. The revelation of profound truth – whether kind or harsh, shapes decisions going forward. Jaguar can be ruthless and emotionally distant, so it is important to trust her and trust her work. Those of us who want things warm and fuzzy might not be comfortable with her, but we must allow her work to proceed. She is a “put all the cards on the table” icon in the days going forward. Everyone in leadership must do this. Clear seeing through deception, who plays by the rules and who doesn’t, who has an unspoken agenda- this needs to come forward, be made clear, and will transform what we perceive as the normal dynamic. A strong admonition that the cure is not always as comfortable as we would like but the medicine must be taken with the eyes on the results.
She is also a caution to remain aware, candid, and direct, but perhaps to hold back on the punches, watch, measure and consider wisely. Respect your own power and anchor yourself for when you will need to open the floodgates. It takes time for people to digest and understand new information. Exasperated words will fly but we can find a way to “fix” things. Make sure everyone gets “just the facts” minimize drama. Once cooler heads prevail, real healing can take place.
I see this as a reading for our leaders and a way to support them in the important work they have to do as well as how we interact with those who may be coming out of deception and struggling with “truths to hard to tell.” There is a wise balance needed here we can ask Jaguar to supply as we move forward.
These first 6 cards are a spiritual look at the present past and future, the forces that have shaped and the balance that is needed. They align two by two – stork’s flight with bear’s grounding and assisting, the balancing of lion’s perspective with the practical and personal approach of beaver, and the destructive chaos of fly opposed by the controlled but explosive clarity and power of jaguar.
The final four cards hold mixed messages that I may not fully understand but here they are. I found the first two hopeful and uplifting and the last two problematic and unresolved. Things are left hanging and the outcome is not clear. That perhaps, is exactly as it should be, but I see a strong warning in them.

Card #7: Seekers Attitude: Roadrunner, Knight of Swords, Message: Courage in action, Best of Intentions.
Element: Air, Divine masculine
I see intelligence and keenness in roadrunner. The ability to assess and make quick accurate decisions and keep moving confidently on the path with a strong sense of direction and where one is going. Courage in action – being in in-between spaces on the cusp of moving forward and then moving decisively. Vivid truth, getting straight to the heart of things – but, wield the sword judiciously – don’t get rigid or hasty says RR.
The footprint of RR is sacred and protected from negativities in that it is in the shape of a perfect X. RR has heightened awareness, makes quick choices on the move and is strong in problem resolution and manifestation. Good attributes for a seeker in action.

Card #8: The Seeker’s Environment – including other’s viewpoint. How the seeker is seen by others.
Cat: Page of Swords. Message: Landing on your Feet. Primal Instincts.
Earth Sign. Divine Feminine
Again, the balancing of the power of the air and the grounding of the earth seen in 7 & 8 as were seen in cards 1 & 2. Cat, like roadrunner, signifies the ability to make decisions on the fly and the ability to land on its feet when taking a flying leap. Instinctual. However, sometimes cat lands in a predicament where they want to hiss and walk away. Trust your landing. Those around you may be less instinctual – spiritually mature – and may be dancing around the problem – and their ambiguity may challenge your patience. Do not be discouraged, hold firm, and stay where you landed. Act honestly and find the sense of humor spirit offers in each situation as you move forward. This is a great card for guidance on interacting with neighbors, family, and friends who may hold different views and be struggling with perceptions. You are not always going to be understood or welcomed but stay where you land. And sometimes we do pounce unexpectedly upon our friends with our thoughts and ideas, so try not to hiss. 😊

Card #9 Hopes and Fears. Hyena – going right down the swords, 10 of Swords. Message: Betrayal, Deep Wounds, Recovery.
Element: again, chaos, movement in any and all directions at once, this time hopefully from pain and darkness toward the light.
There is a sense of a loss of power, vision, and spirit as a result of physical or emotional betrayal. The stabbed in the back issue – here ten times with the ten points of the swords. You are in a temporary cycle of negativity, but changes are coming, Relief is on the way. Wake up, get up and take the swords out of your back and help write the next chapter. Recover. Forgive but do not forget, do not stay in the victim role. This is a clear indication of the issues we may need to recover from before we can be the seekers and change makers we are called to be. Another nod to the shadow work and authenticity of beaver. Do the work so you are ready for the roadrunner challenge. Do not go down with the ship, do not lose your perspective in pain. Hope endures.

Card # 10 Final Outcome. Shark – The Devil. Message: Living in Darkness. Bondage. Spiritual Awakening. (Needed!!)
Sign: Chaos – 15th card of the Major Arcana All directions are possible…. These last two cards clearly outline the possible perils of the present path, highlighting hope and awakening but giving us a cost for achieving them.
The number 15 is the archetypal creature or human and the power of manifestation. Frighteningly enough, we all have the power of manifestation. What we manifest is up to us and will come forth from our inner, often unknown, being. Before we reach our ultimate expression there is a need to correct misconceptions and illusions. This is a powerful card and call to do The Work. Spirit says many of us have “skewed images for ourselves and the Universe” that must be corrected. There is a huge problem resting at our feet – us. We need to see it and get about fixing it – now.
This card is about developing discernment and making wise choices. Things are not what they appear to be, and we must be able to dig deeper. What is fantasy? What is hard truth? Shark can signal an addiction. We are addicted to many things on this plane and it is time to see and rid ourselves of these addictions – to things, to success, to recognition, to security, to power, to being understood, to image and physically to substances to make us feel better over the fears and losses we have experienced. Don’t give in to superficiality. Don’t be deceived. These things are not true wealth. Addictions make us shark food. We have the power to break free of the chains and swim out of the way, but we must get honest with ourselves and learn to know what brings lasting joy. There will be tempting shortcuts we will want to distract ourselves with. Don’t be fooled. Use your will, discernment, and power to avoid these traps to stay on the goal toward the life you truly seek and desire. The choice is ours – every day.
I see Shark as a devourer. Its message – get out of the way of the path of destruction. Recognize where you are and move. Shark is not personal. It simply is Shark and will devour what is in its path. Don’t be devour-able – sightless and unaware. Don’t become shark food. Ask to be aware and awake. Do the work, fix what is broken so you can run with Roadrunner, fly with Stork, pounce with Cat, play and rest with Bear, work with Beaver, walk with Lion and hunt with Jaguar.
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