There is confusion about Reiki and the Chakras
Due to Reiki’s “release” into Western culture upon the death of Mrs. Takata just as the New Age was taking off, Reiki has become associated with the Chakra System, an Indian energy concept of the human body. However, Reiki ‘s roots and origins are Japanese, and thus Reiki works with the larger universal and elemental energies of the Japanese energy system, or Ki, those of earth and heaven and then the human, as embodied by the Japanese concept of the Heart Ki. Because Reiki allows for a clear flow of these universal energies to balance and restore our individual energy centers, the chakras are naturally and gently cleared in a Reiki session. Because the chakras are a major part of our individual energy systems, their balance and flow is important to our sense of well-being. Understanding how the chakras relate to our physical, mental and emotional state is a gateway to understanding ourselves. There are many versions of Chakra charts available, I have included two differing ones for you here, one giving physical, bodily correlations and one providing mental-emotional correlations developed by a psychic healer friend of mine:
Chakra Diagram from Cubehills Cor
The Chakras are energy centers
that run from the crown of the head to the base of the spine along the spinal column. In expanded versions there are continuing chakras in our auric fields above and below our bodies as well. The ones in our bodies are the site of nerve ganglia, mini-brains really, that control and regulate our physical bodies, and there are seven major centers and numerous smaller centers where critical information is processed and transmitted. We all know the effects of a damaged nervous system upon the physical body, and respect the power of these small ethereal cells to influence our lives. No wonder modern science is obsessed with understanding the workings of the brain and ways to heal the nervous system. The true mystery of the nervous system lies in its interconnection with our mental/emotional and spiritual state of being.
Each of the seven major chakras spin with determinable and affect-able energy
which is related to our current state of well being. Our bodies are a reflection of our being, and our being reflects our body. As we live and work each day, we are affected by the energy of our surroundings, relationships and events.These are stored in our memories and emotions and reflected in our energy centers, our chakras. Coming into a clearer understanding of how the events of our lives are reflected in our bodies is a powerful path to healing.
There are many drugs on the market today targeted to affect our brain cells to create desired emotional and mental states of well being. Reiki brings the calming, balancing effect of the universal energies to the nervous system resulting in a cleared and restored inner energy flow through the chakras and an increased state of health and well being in the body, mind and spirit in a natural, drug-free way.
A Reiki session will gently clear and balance your energy centers by opening a clearer connection with universal elemental energies that work for your balance and harmony.
To learn more about the Japanese Energy System read my article on Energy Systems, Reconciling the Chakras and the Ki Energies of Reiki
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