I have been struggling with health issues for the past year, and now a seeming escalation to accidents – as if the universe is more urgent about getting my attention – which I had thought I was giving to all this struggle.
This morning there was something different.
There was an end to struggling – even if only for a few minutes of meditation – I came to a place.
A peaceful place.
Are you ready to heal they asked?
I am ready I said.
This is different – a different state of being
No struggle just peacefulness
No trying to figure out
Just resting
All striving done
All despair
All fury
All worry — gone.
Just ready
And in that readiness is the place of believing
Or just not disbelieving
Receiving – and knowing
That you are worthy of the gift, the healing, that you can most definitely heal, NOW, right now.
Our striving is a sign of our own sense of unworthiness, and thus unreadiness, to heal. Deep in our inner souls we flounder, doubt our capacity to swim in the storm, survive on the sea, feel unloved and wonder at our apparent aloneness. We cast about for help.
“Are you ready?” Glinda, the Good Witch of the North asked Dorothy. (North is the direction of our Ancestors, the Wise Ones.) And there Dorothy stood, clad in the very shoes that would fulfill her heart’s desire, complete her journey, and culminate her search, and yet she had to walk miles in them, face fears, make friends, search for answers, fight evil and seek for help. After all those experiences she was finally at a finish, a truth, a knowing – while no one thing on her journey had accomplished her goal, all of it had brought her to the place of it. She was ready. And so, we too flow in our journeys, meeting great tides of change and challenge, learning many wisdoms, suffering many lessons, singing many joys, until we are ready. And then we know. We know we are worthy. We know we can heal. Right Now. We are ready.
Are you Ready to Heal?
Offer the name of Glinda for 15% off your first appointment when we speak, and give me a call….

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