The Year of the Tiger dawns – what does it hold for us?
Throughout January spirit has been nagging at me to write out the full tarot reading for the year that almost pulled itself out of my hands last Dec 10th as I was contemplating the coming year of 2022. I thought I was pulling one card and ten came in rapid succession, creating a Celtic Cross reading akin to the one I pulled for 2021 as we headed into a more hopeful horizon last January. Please find that reading here, An Animal Tarot Reading for National and Global Healing, as the two build upon one another and I will reference it as I go along.
As you may or may not know, I have a strong pull to work with global conditions – political and climate oriented – and have posted different readings and journeys in different groups recently. (See and join my Living Room Shamans Group on FB if you are drawn.) Thus the emergence of these Tarot readings – some of which are completely unplanned but evolve and pop out on their own when I think I am doing something else. I then realize the depth of my heart has been asking the question and the cards have responded even when I try not to pay attention to myself.
Not all these readings are pretty. They are not light. But they are powerful in terms of helping us stay grounded, be aware and be ready, equipping us with insights, strengths, and hope as we move forward upon this planet together. Thus my strong guidance to publish them. We can make a difference if we know where we are headed, embrace truths even when difficult, and have a vision of, and commitment to, love and light as our future.
If you’ve gotten this far, then you are ready to read on.
Last year’s reading was full of hope and encouragement as we came off a dark time together, yet it ended with a powerfully dark card – I was using the animal tarot deck by Bernadette King and the “Final Outcome” card was Shark – the devil in tarot language. I explained my understanding of this card as realizing that shark is not trolling for you or me. It is being Shark. It eats, it destroys, it ravages. Our responsibility is to stay out of its way by knowing where we are and what is around us; to not be set upon unawares. These difficult cards can hold powerful messages. Keep this in mind going forward from here.
The Present

This year’s reading finds us amidst the conflict and difficulties we have created, trying to move toward our goals amidst great resistance. It is from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, The Present, represented by the Ten of Wands, signifies heavy burdens and concerns, opposition, and the inability to accomplish due to over commitment – biting off more than we can chew.
If this does not remind us of our current government in the US and our global state as we continue to wrestle with Covid and world economies, well, you get my drift. We are in a struggle and the outcome is not bright. To me, in light of the rest of this reading, this card, with its obviously male figure, also represents the difficulty and lack of success of old, patriarchal systems that are trying to wrestle with the current issues and needs and finding themselves insufficient and failing.
Helps or Hindrances

The second card of the reading is always Helps or Hindrances. Where last year we had some very helpful influences in this position, this year, we have Hindrances. The Two of Swords indicates indecision, the blindfolded woman with her back to the waters shows us how clearly we cannot, will not, see, and the crossed swords are the division and divisiveness we are suffering both nationally and globally. We are in a painful and precarious position and doing nothing about it, yet the two of swords reminds us that even if we blind ourselves and do nothing in our inability to agree on a decision, there will be an outcome.
Difficult beginnings. The strength here is to take the blindfolds off but not go down with the ship. There is more to come so keep looking and don’t get discouraged.
The Immediate Past

The third card represents the immediate Past. Here we see our true state and look back to what is contributing to all this difficulty and hindrance.. the Three of Swords. Can you just feel the knife going through your own heart? The heartbrokenness of the loss of dreams and hopes, the senses of betrayal being experienced – here in our country as two parties battle one another through a sense of betrayal and distrust – and globally as we cannot reconcile and find our way out of Covid, oppression, aggression, natural disasters, and wars? We have been cut to the heart and we are all bleeding, enemies and friends alike. Sit with the pain for moment and feel the great compassion and love of the universe as she reveals our brokenness to us. It is okay to look from within the arms of compassion. Let your own brokenness go deep so that your heart grows with love. Gaia will keep you safe as you gaze into the pool of self-knowledge that we all need to dip into to come through these times together.
Recent Developments/Events

And finally, some light – as we go deeper into the dark we find it. What is happening here in card number four, which is showing us a Recent Event (or development) – which has grown out of the past? We see the first card of the major arcana – Strength. This beautiful woman – divine feminine strength and love – has tamed the roaring lion with her peace and strength of character, wisdom, words, and actions. Note, she has not slain it. She has made the lion her friend, her lover, her companion and partner, harnessing the strength of the lion without either of them suffering destruction. The lion is part of a happy, loving, and appreciative relationship, enjoying the presence, love and affection of the woman – a win-win for all. This is Strength. Making friends of enemies, creating healing, mutually beneficial relationships and resisting the temptation of power over, through destruction of, another.
This is what is being built as we do our inner work through this time. Forge on and focus on the strengths spirit is calling forth in you. Do not be afraid of them. We must learn to use our power for creation, not destruction and spirit will guide us in this work. Notice how calm she is. Able to be quietly in her own strength and beauty, the tamer of the heart of a lion.
A Possible Future

And now, in card number Five, Possible Future, I see once again the idea of two – not of division, but of possibilities The Hierophant has two possibilities – or maybe they are one and the same, the old and the new together. This is the guru, the teacher, the spiritual one. The part of us that comprehends the inner value and meaning of our outer experience of life – it is the way we try to make sense of being here. Upright, the hierophant signifies a conservative, traditional approach to the matter. Reversed, the hierophant can bring outside the box approaches. While this card appears upright in the reading, indicating a move toward conservative thinking and approaches, it still for me contains the dualistic nature of its opposite, indicating that our spiritual wisdom may come from ancient knowledge that appears to be out of the box for us, but is really our core spirituality reaching back to ancient times. Upright, it also indicates the ability to listen to our intuitive senses and guidance, another strength for moving forward. This is the possibility of the future. One in which we listen to wise spiritual guidance.
The Immediate Future

Card number 6, the Immediate Future, does not shine so brightly though. Once again we are in darker times. The Devil card of last year’s reading’s final outcome has now progressed to the position of immediate future. The Devil card invokes the image of bondage. Of Evil triumphing over Good or as stated in Tarot – that of tempting us to disregard life’s – our – innate senses of love, kindness and morality, those of right action, thinking and speaking – urging us to misuse and mistreat one another. This is a card of darkness and pain. Of the depths of human nature reveling in its deepest depraved state of hate and war and enslavement. A very nasty look at our capacity to embrace and express evil. (time for a shudder here.) The immediate future does not hold kindness and light, rather cruelty and hate. Is this not where we already are in many ways? What will see us through these times – change our states of being and provide a brighter outcome? Is there hope, and if so, what does that look like?
The Attitude Card

You might think this gets worse with Card number 7, but this is where the Light begins to overcome the Darkness. Card Seven is our Attitude card – how we are seeing what is going on around us. It is the card of Death, which some see as destruction and others as Transformation, depending on one’s attitude. It is the end of the old way and the beginning of a new one. The Egyptian God Chaos, the grim reaper, cuts away all growth so that the roots can re-sprout with new life that is true to itself; the realization of immortality, of the connection with the infinite, the ongoing whole. Another companion card to this would be the Archetype of Apocalypsis – the crashing together of opposites causing an abrupt and tearing change.
Upright, Death brings a welcome change, new beginnings, emotional growth, and transformation. A ray of Light, a way through, realization of the infinite – not an easy one, a powerful one. Notice the prone male figure and the supplicant female and child. I see the end of patriarchy, the hierophant intervening and buffering, the sorrow and loss this change will bring. Yet the promise is of a new beginning. The white rose on the black banner speaks of life, not death. A significant, life-bearing change if we are open to receiving the gift of it.
How Others See us – How we Show Up

Card number 8 dawns with How Others See Us as we go about our lives and work through all this. How we show up in our homes and communities – the sister match to Strength, she is The Empress, a clearly triumphant and regal feminine energy embodying creation, growth and attraction – the heart with which we reach out to touch life in the world and embrace the universe. Growth and Development, accomplishment, fulfillment, nurturing. A Divine Wo’Moon who creates, manages, attains goals and operates through love.
Fulfillment of the Divine Feminine, to me she signifies the coming forth of the influence of Divine Femininity as the failing patriarchy stumbles and goes down to its death and needed transformation.
New forms are created for government, business and home. And we are the ones who will bring that into the world. We are pregnant with newness, with the potential for healing and wholeness in world operations, communities and values. We are it, so keep working on becoming!
Hopes or Fears

Card number 9 is of great hope as well. This card is Hopes or Fears, and here it is Hope. The Six of Wands shows us a man on horseback holding a wreath of triumph as he rides past upraised wands of celebration and praise. The redeemed, transformed Divine Male begins to make a comeback on the world scene. He has overcome the sick darkness of depraved patriarchy and been restored his rightful place. There is no balance without both male and female in harmony; no unity, no oneness. Neither one can discard or trample upon the other and expect a loving order in the world of form.
To me, the transformative healing of the male is directly resultant from the resumption of the wo’moon, the divine feminine, restored to her full place and potential in this world. Good news all round. This is our Hope. May it Shine Brightly! Out of the Death of the old, new Life….
Final Outcome

Look at this beautiful thing! The final card representing the Final Outcome is a beautiful sight to me, the Ace of Pentacles. Pentacles have to do with the practicality of living upon this earth. Farming, trade, endeavors and life’s work. The Ace is always beginnings. The Ace of Pentacles has to do with prosperity – prospering in all areas, which is what is the natural outcome when there is balance, harmony, cooperation, compassion and loving action between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The “Hand of God” appears holding an upright pentacle indicating that order has been restored. The lush garden in abundant growth below – all the divine children live in peace and prosperity. Gifts and talents are developed and used for the good of all. Community is actualized.
So really, a beautiful Tarot Reading
One that leaves me with the breath of excitement rather than losing my breath as last year’s did. One with an upbeat note but with a lot of work to do and some hard times to go through. A honest look through the eyes of Tarot…we will need the power, patience and regality of Tiger this year. Tiger knows when to use its force and when to conserve its energy. Let us be like Tiger, waiting in the bush, watchful, aware, powerful and prepared. May we know, understand and use our Strength wisely.
How long a period of time do these readings cover? In all honesty I am do not know, but I seem to be led to do one annually and it is interesting to see the progression between last year and this (i.e.: the Devil card moving up in position). We shall see. All of this is not meant to encourage us to live in, or fear, the future, it is meant to strengthen us to live in the present with hope, awareness and perseverance.
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