The morning of July 11th I was focused on my own needs during my spiritual practice.
And yet, during that interlude of what I thought was struggling for peace on something in my inner clime came this insistent, persuasive, directive to do a tarot reading for Ukraine.
These world/country readings come upon me with no intimation of their arrival, and with no prior intention of doing any of them on my part. (Find my two previous readings for our own country in my articles: Tarot Reading for 2022 and An Animal Tarot Reading for National and Global Healing.) They are always an amazing experience – full of the real struggles we are experiencing yet blessed with beautiful energy and hope for the future. I am sharing this one here to invite you to participate in dreaming the world into being with me. It deeply excites me to hold this space and work with these energies:
Celtic Cross Reading for Ukraine during the Nato Summit of 2023
A Celtic Cross layout is the oldest form of spread in tarot and gives the most detailed information and picture of a situation or query. Each position in the 10 card Cross layout has a specific meaning and influence in the reading. That combined with the interpretation of the cards gives an in-depth look at the question posed by a “seeker” or inquirer. One also picks an Indicator card, representing the energy of the seeker.
In this case, the indicator card (I) is the first card of the Major Arcana, known as The Fool. The Major Arcana represent the spiritual, psychological, psychic and philosophical aspects of humankind. The intangibles of the 7th chakra energies we embody.

The Fool is actually nobody’s fool. Looking at this energetic young being setting out on life’s journey we find an inquiring mind, an eager spirit rich with anticipation for the experiences of living, ready to absorb all wisdoms in its path. This is the journey each of us makes in life. That of the explorer, the discoverer, the creator of our destinies. The zero sum attributed numerically to this card indicates infinite possibility. This is the mind and heart of the seeker in this reading.
Below are the cards, with their placement meanings and interpretations, occurring in their numerical order within the layout.
1. Present Influence – King of Cups! Upright
Represents Ukraine, its leadership, and its contributions to the world

All Kings represent a level of accomplishment, success, and the ability to manage, produce and bless the world with their developed talents and gifts. They wage wars and resolve conflicts when threatened and protect and preserve the welfare of others and the abundance of their kingdoms. Ukraine has been a consistent contributor to world economics and health as a small but productive and free country. They have fed millions exporting great quantities of wheat – the staff of life. The suit of Cups is the suit of strong emotions, inner understanding, and the psychology of life. This king is “deeply sincere” with emotional power that stirs him to action.
This king is very clearly Zelensky, leading his country during this time of physical threat and in a very ideological war of world freedom versus domination and oppression.
2. Help or Obstacles – Eight of Swords – Reversed
Represents the advent of invasion by Russia and the effect of the war in Ukraine

While this woman looks to be in a desperate state, bound and surrounded by terror and destruction, impeded and powerless, this card appears reversed in the reading, so its meaning is inverted, revealing the true nature of Ukrainian response and their spirit and strength despite the ups and downs we see constantly reported.
What is the spirit of Ukraine? The caged bird flies free. Thought and perception are clear, action and achievement are unbound. Fear is cleared away and release from bondage is imminent as this being learns to work through and master her situation.
This card is very clearly a help and support to the country of Ukraine in its current dire situation against the threat of complete annihilation of its culture, freedom, self-governance, and way of life. It embodies the immense energy of the skills and traits this country has learned in crafting their defense and upholding their values.
3. Past – Motivation – Nine of Swords – Upright
This card shows the devastation first wrought by Russia’s invasion. Nine swords behind are a clear motivation for moving forward!

This is a card of despair and loss, anguish and victimization. The woman, who is in a state of grief and anxiety, has woken from sleep to find herself in the most dire of circumstances. Great losses and setbacks have occurred. The forces of the universe have not been kind.
We see the pain of war and conflict imposed by an invading hostile force that strips away homes, children, and livelihoods along with lives, as it seeks to take away their country and land. Preservation through resistance has been Ukraine’s strong motivation since the first footfall of Russian invaders.
4. Recent Past – The World – Upright
This card sums up the past 18 months of world response to the struggle for democracy in Ukraine in a beautiful visual display of life, joy and energy. It is a card of triumph and ascension over present darkness and death, both for Ukraine and its partners in NATO.

Firstly there is the transformation of Zelensky into a world figure, a leader and beacon for democracy and freedom. A little known president of a small country, he has successfully assumed the duties and is meeting the challenges of his role during an unsought conflict with a major world power. As such, he has become a world leader.
We also see the world’s embrace of democracy and freedom rallying around and supporting Ukraine. A unification of forces around a common objective; power and mastery are indicated as these countries learn to work together for a goal that encompasses freedom, respect and reverence for all life.
5. Possible Future – Judgement – Upright
This Major Arcana card brings in the moral and philosophical issues of freedom and oppression. The judgements we all must make individually and as communities and nations regarding our philosophies of life and living them.

This becomes a powerful card in looking at the possibilities that may arise from the result of this struggle between oppression and freedom. There is the possibility of a great awakening, a rising up into the realms of spiritual light and wisdom- a transformation into the consciousness of spiritual unity and wholeness.
This card works with the subconsciousness of the world – our global mental state – and holds the possibility of taking that next huge step into the higher places of unity, compassion, and spiritual living on a global level. The world has a choice to be made here, a call to heed and a transformation to undertake.
Judgement helps us see ourselves more clearly so that we make better choices. It aligns with the power of the phoenix, who, in seeing clearly, rises from the ashes of war, hate and conflict resplendent with power and light and life. The naked woman rising from the burning cauldron evokes visions of Aphrodite emerging from the sea – pure and beautiful and reborn, with the element of fire as transformation, illumination and true inner power.
6. Immediate Future – Ace of Wands – Upright
See the strong, illuminated wand, glowing with light and fire! It radiates and protects. This is Ukraine!

This card in this particular deck (the Robin Wood Tarot Deck) includes the symbolism of the sunflowers of Ukraine in its depiction of its uplifted single wand. It feels like a waving the colors and call to action. This wand radiates life, accomplishment, intention and resolve.
Aces are new beginnings and wands work with ambitions, goals, and achievements. This card is the call to moving forward with the vision and goal of freedom and self-determination the Ukrainian people have set for themselves in this conflict. Their resolve is firm and unwavering and full of light.
Not only that, but we see deeper transformation here, as this wand is imbued with the double helix of DNA swirling inside of it, indicating the depth of change and new life being created, one that is durable and passes on the truths and values learned and acquired to future generations.
7. Seeker’s Attitude – Six of Cups – Upright
Who is the seeker here? Ukraine in its battle for self determination and preservation, or the world as it watches and knows the outcome will affect us all? All of us seek. Ukraine for aide, other world countries to preserve a way of life. We are connected. See Ukraine as the seeker here asking for help, see world countries responding as they seek to stop aggression before it reaches their borders.

Six cups overflow with flowers in a garden with two focused young children. The caring support of the world for Ukraine is obvious in this act of giving. There is a deliberateness about this scene – a very conscious choice to share.
We affirm we are in this together this card says – and so have many said since this war was initiated. Six of cups indicates a restoration and upholding of ideals and values. There is a solemnity in this sacred exchange.
8. Seekers Environment – Other’s Viewpoint – Death – Upright
The world sees death and destruction in Ukraine yet beyond is new growth and restoration of prosperity.

Upright this card speaks of a welcomed, positive liberating change. A new way of life, a new cycle, is in the making. See the white rose blooming.
In shamanism we see the natural cycles of death and dismemberment as an integral part of creating the new. In spring flowers grow out of the dead fauna of the year before. The old passes away. The outworn ways are discarded to make room for the new bursting forth. Often, not without conflict.
Death does not stop new growth, it makes way for it – see all the life blooming around the dread figure of death in this card? See the figure pointing to the new life, it’s sickle at rest, its work complete? We reap so we can sow.
9. Hopes and Fears – Knight of Swords – Upright
Here we find Hope! A Hero in the Struggle. Who or what will that be?

Knight to the rescue! See him charging in, sword raised, to vanquish a foe, right a wrong, free a captive. This is definitely a card of Hope. Knights live by a code of honor and dedication to the highest standards of the King and his kingdom. The suit of swords has to do with the element of air, the arena of thought, mind, beliefs. Truth, Equality, Fairness and Humanity are upheld. Intellectual renewal, excitement and growth come charging to the aide of this new creation, this new beauty and quality of envisioned life. Who knows how this Knight will manifest himself? Not I, but we will be on the lookout for him.
10. Final Outcome – Four of Wands – Upright
This is a celebration!

Here we see the culmination of Ukraine’s vision for the future; the dreaming coming into being through hard work, perseverance, heroism, cooperation, collaboration and sacrifice.
In this Celebration of the completion of their labors, we see a couple rejoicing in a place of established prosperity. Garlands of flowers – a dance of harmony between male and female, a rolling green landscape in the background and general rejoicing. This is the place to which we hope to grow as we follow this reading to its conclusion for Ukraine. May they dance in the sunshine of their own prosperity and may we dance with them in ours. Aho.
One of the reasons these readings occur for me is that they help me to see the big picture and not get dismayed, discouraged or drawn into the negativities and fears of today. I have the uplifting vision of the future to keep in view and move toward in my prayers and meditations. This is important when working with global energies for healing and for the future of all of life, existence, and the majestic manifestation of the universe we live in.
I invite you to join me in holding the vision and energizing the positive possibilities of the future revealed in this beautiful reading!
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