As I happily bought my signature purple Alzheimer’s Lokai bracelet the other day
I was reflecting that the earlier pink ones I had seen (the original color is white or clear) must have been for Breast Cancer Awareness (they are). A lovely acquaintance of mine, Patty Franchi Flaherty, founded a non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating research for eradicating Ovarian Cancer called Ovations for the Cure and I was reflecting on her chosen color of teal thinking that the next Lokai color should be teal. Lokai, by the way, is Hawaiian and means unity. The bracelets contain elemental substance from one of the highest and lowest points on earth to help us create balance.
As I was pondering the luminously colored lokai strands and the diseases we are supporting with their sale I had one of those aha moments.
In traditional Eastern Reiki we are taught about energy centers, known in Japan as Ki, elsewhere as Chi or Qi, in the body. There are three of them we work with in Eastern Reiki, they correspond to three of the seven larger chakras we are probably more familiar with in the chakra system, which comes from India.
Here they are side by side below:
Eastern Usui Reiki practitioners learn to work with these three energy centers, or Ki’s.
The first is the dantien or Hara Ki, which is the actual center and balancing point of the human body. Often called our “gut” or our second brain, this is the place that does not lie to us; it is used for guidance and sure-footedness in life. People who live life to the fullest or make bold decisions are often described as being “gutsy.” The second is the Heart Ki, or our relational center, where we relate to ourselves and others; the magnetic power of our beating heart is 40 times more powerful than our functioning brain. It is the most energy generating part of our physical body. The third is the Heaven Ki, corresponding to our forehead, “third eye” or 6th chakra, where our higher wisdom and knowledge are today fighting one another for predominance, causing much confusion. Our learned knowledge – sciences, math and factual data – is meant to work seamlessly with our innate knowledge and intuitive and psychic wisdom. When what we know fights with what we know, we are sick in the head, in our hearts, in our bodies and in our societies.
In my “Aha” moment I saw our health and dis-ease, we women, in these three Ki areas of our lives. The Lokai represent the balance and healing toward which we are moving.
Let’s look at three crucial women’s diseases today in terms of the three Ki’s found in Reiki:
Ovarian Cancer strikes us in the dantien, assaulting our Hara Ki, our true center of energy and balance, the source of our creative wisdom, with disease, decay and death. How often do we not have the guts to be true to ourselves, to speak our minds, to choose to follow our hearts? Ovations color is teal, an earthy mix of blue and green. Will the next Lokai color be teal?
Breast Cancer strikes us in the Heart Ki, our center of nurturing. All humanity is physically sustained and strengthened with sustenance from the breast. It is our source of immunity and health as infants. It is how we grow. It is where we are most vulnerable. When we abandon our hearts we do not love ourselves and cannot love others. The very essence of our feminine being, the compassionate carer, is betrayed and slowly dies from the inside. Where have we bottled up our love? How has it been cut off from us and us from it? We will not live without it – we will die of grief from the loss. Its memorialized color is pink, one of the colors of the heart chakra. Think rose quartz and connect with and revive your loving heart. Look at and heal its wounds with all the care of a mother tending her newborn. Feed yourself with unsurpassed kindness and compassion, surround yourself with love, and heal your wounded heart until it pours out compassion from the very center of your being. This is the message of the pink Lokai.
Alzheimer’s is today the fastest growing killer of all the major diseases, one for which there is no cure or prevention, no slowing or abating of its course. It occurs in the Heaven Ki, up where we connect or disconnect, believe in ourselves or die; “without a vision, the people perish.” When we are disappointed, disillusioned and lose our way we become a soul with no compass, a consummate stray in the universe, open to being victimized and dominated. Sixty percent of those with Alzheimer’s are women. Sixty percent of those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s are women. In my mother’s family of four daughters every one of them has followed their mother, my grandmother, down the path of Alzheimer’s. Its memorialized color is purple, the color of the seventh chakra, our crown chakra. The new purple Lokai looks at bringing balance to the highs and lows of living with this disease.
Along with the emergence of women as players in business, politics, global health and the future, is the emergence of these diseases of the three Ki’s – Hara, Heart and Heaven – and the battles to find their cures. Seeing where we are out of balance and learning to clear our energy and heal our imbalances – expressing our true feminine character and essence into the world around us in the unique, beautiful and powerful ways we are meant to – is a contribution each of us can make to our own health and the health of the planet. As the one heals, so heals the whole.
What can I do to detect and work with energy center imbalances?
Be pro-active. Find an energy worker to help you assess your energy body. Consider thermography. It shows and records areas of heat and excessive toxicity in the body before they become illnesses. Explore alternative methods of parasympathetic balance and healing. It is much easier to heal imbalances before they manifest as disease than to confront healing the body when physical damage has begun. Unfortunately, we learn to live with and even love our imbalances and shrink from doing the inner work to heal them or are simply ignorant of the process of disease manifestation and ignore its signs until the body speaks out through illness.
If you have physical damage, read Healing Consciously and consider healing from within and without using whatever resources you need or choose to use from both modern medicine and holistic practices. Trust yourself and follow your intuition about working with medical and holistic practitioners. Your body has an innate sense of what is good for it. As always, should you want to try Reiki as part of your self-healing package, Crystal Reiki is here to help you create your own personal path to inner healing through Reiki. See How Does Reiki Work? Healing is not just something we do when we are sick. Wholeness and health are life-long pursuits. Balance your Ki’s and enjoy the journey.
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